Getting Organized
The following are roughly based on the organization lists in the book by D Allen "Getting Things Done".
- Update chapter 2 of MAC-PHY ICD
- Reimburse expenses, then buy books
- Set up DM training
- Talk to Xiaoyan re code review
- Update design pattern power point slides based on head first design patterns (30%)
- Read "Applied SW Project Management"
Prayer List:
- Inner tranquility
- WenLing tumor
Personal Next Actions List:
- Buy vessel sinks
- Travel essay with photos of SD Harbor cruise with mom
- phone Clay's Termite guy
- Email my thoughts about mom to Wendy Liu
- Re-banlance Fidelity investment: put 30% in bonds, 10% cash/Fpacx 20% in foreign stocks, 30% large cap (20% growth and 10% value) and 5% small/mid cap, 5% in engergy
- Someday/Maybe:
Start learning drum
Talk to Shuyi re better organized
Email Adam Li for lunch
- Countertop and cabinate work
- Sell broken iPod online
- Read "Fifty Years" by Wang, Mingdao
Wish List
- Finish meditating on entire Psalm (100 to the end)
- Go to bed by 11pm and up by 7am Sun - Friday
- Read to Tracy and Taylor, then put children to bed by 10pm Sun - Thur
- Reduce TV watching to less than 15 minutes a day on average. 30 min weekends
- Eliminate binge eating such that my colestrol will be normal (<= 200)
- Reduce Fidelity monitoring to less than 60 minutes a week on average.